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This is a short article about my latest finished model: URAL APA-5D airfield starter in 1/35 scale. I made it in 8 moths and I counted +600 parts. I apologize that I use English - I'm still learning Russian.
I started with old Alanger mold, for which I ordered NeOmega wheels and Eduard PE. This turned out not to be good choice so I switched to new Trumpeter kit, but without aftermarket resin wheels and PE.
Basic conversion to APA standard was made with HAD models resin conversion set and several scratchbuilt items.
I wish to thank to Mr. Ilya Ponomarev for making APA walkaround from Shagol air base available on this website. It served me as a good inspiration, and I copied some details to my model, including registration number.
Starter is presented as old machine - with rust, unsymmetrical and some worn out details and effects.
As I said in introduction, I started with Alanger kit. At that moment this kit was only available on the market. Soft plastic, lack of details, a lot of sink marks, pin marks, flash,... Somehow I managed to get over this. I also started to upgrade details with Eduard PE for URAL 4320. Although the assembly of chassis had good progress, when I moved to the cabin - fit was very bad. I was not able to assemble the cabin as shown in instructions anymore. And on top of that, photo etched parts started to fall off from plastic after a few days. This photo was last one with Alanger kit (green plastic).
Here are a few photos of HAD models conversion set for APA starter
In order to get symmetry between mudguards on generator and wheels on URAL chassis, I cut chassis in front of 2nd axle and inserted 4 mm plugs which I cut from rear (4 mm were removed aft of 3rd axle). This is a mistake on HAD resin set.
This enabled me to use complete fuel tank from Trumpeter, because if I didn't made this cut, I would be forced to shorten fuel tank, as per HAD instructions.
Since Trumpeter published BM-21 Grad kit before URAL 4320, there are some details which are specific to BM-21, and had to be removed (mostly on cabin outer side).
I also had to lengthen universal joint axle for 4 mm, between cardan reductor (gearbox) and 2nd axle. You can see the white plug on the photo below.
Only thing I took from Alanger is muffler... Trumpeter provided toy-like muffler - this is biggest issue with URAL kit. Alanger parts came out very good with some adjustment and scratchbuild.
Movable arms were soldered. Later, more details were added from styrene, PE, wire and thin tape. Turn support for arms were modified heavily because of bad resin mold from HAD.
For power cables I used some thin audio cable and SCART cable.
Starter was painted with Russian 4BO set and some White from AK Interactive. Weathering was made with Rust track, Dark steel and Black pigments, and washed with Africa Dust - all from AK Interactive.
Chassis is Model Master 1749 Flat black + washed Africa Dust later. For cabin interior I used 15-20 paints (mostly Revell enamel brown shades).
makskm в 14.07.2014 - 17:39 Тема: Alanger 1/35 URAL APA-5D Модель получилась хорошая. Но оптика испортила все впечатление, практически все световые приборы вышли не удачно, а фары просто никуда не годятся. Цветное оргстекло и фары Elf в помощь... |
splinter в 18.07.2014 - 04:08 Привет всем!
можно найти все : высокое положение зеркала :mrgreen: и симметрия задними колесами (это АПА из хорватской армии) Я не могу получить Elf фары. Это у нас экзотики. Я поставил мат фары, чтобы показать возраст грузовика. Так остальной модели (ржавчина, бледный краски , уничтожена...). Да, модели иметь ошибки ... Но другие ошибки! Я очень счастлив, потому что это мой первый грузовик в 1/35! Теги не правы: Это не Алангер, чем Трумпетер. И не УРАЛ-375 (АПА-4G), чем Урал-4320 (АПА-5Д). Спасибо, Томислав |
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Тема: Alanger 1/35 URAL APA-5D(#7533) - обсуждение
Выглядит хорошо, очень понравилась модель!
Интерьер кабины особенно привлёк внимание
Правда, есть два недочёта:
- боковые зеркала расположены высоко, водитель через них ничего не увидит
- не нужно было смещать полку над задними колёсами, она действительно смещённая: