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Новинки от Master Model

Отправил: Размещено: ( 3459 показов)

#Фирма Master Model объявила о выходе следующих новинок...



Авиация 1/72
AM-72-083 Folland Gnat T.1 - Pitot Tube
AM-72-084 Aero L-29 Delfin - Pitot Tubes
AM-72-085 Aero L-39 Albatros - Pitot Tubes
AM-72-086 F6F Hellcat - early armament (.50 cal Browning barrels with drilled cooling jackets)
AM-72-087 F6F-5 Hellcat - late armament (covered .50 cal Browning barrels)
AM-72-088 F6F Hellcat - night fighters armament (.50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders)

Авиация 1/48
AM-48-102 Spitfire Mk.IXe/XVIe early version (conical fairings) - Hispano 20mm & Browning .50cal in fairings (fit to Eduard)
AM-48-103 Spitfire Mk.IXe/XVIe late version (rounded fairings) - Hispano 20mm & Browning .50cal in fairings (fit to Eduard)
AM-48-104 Folland Gnat T.1 - Pitot Tube
AM-48-105 Aero L-29 Delfin - Pitot Tubes
AM-48-106 Aero L-39 Albatros - Pitot Tubes
AM-48-107 F6F Hellcat - early armament (.50 cal Browning barrels with drilled cooling jackets)
AM-48-108 F6F-5 Hellcat - late armament (covered .50 cal Browning barrels)
AM-48-109 F6F Hellcat - night fighters armament (.50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders)

Авиация 1/32
AM-32-076 Aero L-29 Delfin - Pitot Tubes
AM-32-077 Aero L-39 Albatros - Pitot Tubes
AM-32-078 F6F Hellcat - early armament (.50 cal Browning barrels with drilled cooling jackets)
AM-32-079 F6F-5 Hellcat - late armament (covered .50 cal Browning barrels)
AM-32-080 F6F Hellcat - night fighters armament (.50 cal Brownings and 20mm cannon tips with flash hiders)

SM-350-082 USS New York BB-34 armament (after 1942) - 14in/45 (10pcs), 5in/51 (6pcs), 3in/50 (12pcs) barrels
SM-350-083 IJN 12,7cm/50 (5in) 3rd Year Type barrels - for turrets without blastbags (8pcs) - most IJN destroyers built 1930-1945
SM-350-084 IJN 12,7cm/50 (5in) 3rd Year Type barrels - for turrets with blastbags (8pcs) - most IJN destroyers built 1930-1945
SM-350-085 Russian battleship Tsesarevich (1917) armament - 305mm (4pcs), 152mm (12pcs), 75mm (4pcs), 45mm (2pcs), 37mm (2pcs) barrels

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Ulyss227 в 01.06.2015 - 02:26
Тема: Новинки от Master Model(#8889) - обсуждение

Интересно, на 1904 год для "Цесаревича" сделают отдельный набор?

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